Esitteet ja raportit

Antimikrobisen kuparin käytöstä saadut tutkimustulokset Suomessa

Kupari- ja messinkipintojen käyttöä testattiin sairaalaolosuhteissa Länsi-Suomalaisessa Veteraanien kuntoutuskodissa (englanniksi).

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Can chrome plated copper tube be formed into a bend?

Yes, with care and the correct procedure.

Can copper alloys be used for architecture?

Yes, brass and bronze alloys are available.

Can leaded solders be used on drinking water installations?


Can patination of the copper be prevented?

Applying a lacquer is not recommended, particularly when large areas are considered. Lacquers will require regular maintenance over the life of the roof.

Curious about copper

This publication looks into the intriguing world of copper and reveals how one of the world’s most reusable resource plays a vital role in enabling many aspects of our lives.

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Copper Industry Calls for New Approach to Reduce EU Carbon Emissions

ECI’s plan identifies strategies for seven copper-based technologies that could deliver substantial carbon reductions in the downstream industrial, residential and service sectors. Fully implemented, the plan could reduce EU CO2 emissions by 25%, or 1,100 million tonnes per year, by 2050, versus 2011 levels.

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Committee Vote on “An Effective Raw Materials Strategy for Europe”

Eurometaux, EuroAlliages, July 2011

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Att se bortom gränserna

Kuparituotteiden ympäristöprofiili. Elinkaariarviointiin perustuvat indikaattorit kuparilevylle, kupariputkelle ja kuparilangalle. Näitä indikaattoreita voidaan käyttää lähtötietona kun laaditaan elinkaariarvioita rakennuksille tai laitteille (ruotsiksi).

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Consultation on revision of the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) Directive - ECI

ECI, March 2015

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