Esitteet ja raportit
The Coalition for ENERGY SAVINGS, November 2011
ECI, November 2012
This fact sheet provides technical information on the use of copper and its alloys for food contact materials, including an overview of the latest European legislation.
ECI, March 2012
We value our partnerships
ECI, April 2009
Working with public authorities to ensure the safe production and safe use of copper products.
ECI, April 2009
Kuparituotteiden ympäristöprofiili. Elinkaariarviointiin perustuvat indikaattorit kuparilevylle, kupariputkelle ja kuparilangalle. Näitä indikaattoreita voidaan käyttää lähtötietona kun laaditaan elinkaariarvioita rakennuksille tai laitteille (englanniksi).
Improving the environmental performance of products, along with enhancing sustainability throughout the supply chain, have gained significantly in importance in recent years, both for consumers and industries. In parallel, EU initiatives, such as the Sustainable Consumption and Production Action Plan, foster greater resource efficiency and the commercialisation of more environmentally friendly products.
Eurometaux, July 2013