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Contribution from EUROMETAUX to the stakeholder consultation on methodology for Commission decision determining the list of sectors and subsectors deemed exposed to a significant risk of carbon leakage for the period 2015-2019

Eurometaux, July 2013

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Copper Alloys for Marine Environment

Copper alloy mesh aquaculture cages improve the sanitary conditions, productivity and sustainability of operations for farmers raising salmon, trout, sea bream, sea bass, cod, cobia, yellow tail and other species

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Copper Alloys used in Marine Applications

The aim of this publication is to provide engineers with an appreciation of copper alloys commonly used in marine applications. It will provide an overview of the range of alloys and their properties, and give references and sources for further information.

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Copper Concentrates

In 2012, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), adopted resolution MEPC 219(63). This establishes the hazard classification criteria for solid substances, transported as bulk cargo, to be considered as “harmful to the marine environment” (HME) for the purposes of restricting the disposal of solid bulk cargo residues under the amended Annex V of the MARPOL Convention.

Copper concentrates are solid mining products transported in bulk. The need for classifications of these materials, for the human health and environmental hazard categories set out in the HME criteria, was assessed following the UN-GHS 4th revision and the ICMM guidance (2013)1 on HME assessment of ores and concentrates.

The results are summarised in this report.

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Copper's Contribution to a Low-Carbon Future

A plan to decarbonise Europe by 25%

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Copper's Contribution to the EU's Circular Economy

ECI’s Copper Wire Newsletter, February 2015

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ECI Annual Report 2008

2009 was a difficult year for the copper industry value chain in Europe. The global financial crisis, which resulted in a severe tightening of credit and reprioritised public sector spending, led to dramatic declines in housing starts, lower industry investment and a reduction in the sales of consumer goods, such as cars and electrical products.

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Copper is...

Copper is essential for modern living. It delivers electricity and clean water into our homes and cities and makes an important contribution to sustainable development. More than that, it is essential for life itself.

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Copper Voluntary Risk Assessment

Pioneering Industry/Member State Partnership Approach to the Duty of Care

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Copper Wire Newsletter Autumn 2012: Copper and Electrical Safety

Copper industry supports electricalsafety

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Copper-Zinc Alloys for use in Marine Aquaculture

Copper-zinc Ultra Resistant (UR) properties make it an ideal choice for aquaculture cages. Upon prolonged exposure to seawater, it forms an adherent protective oxide layer that helps increase water flow.

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